I Quit Chapter 6

I Quit Chapter 6

Chapter 0006 

Florence stumbled backward with every accusation I hurled at her, eventually collapsing to the ground, her face wet with tears

I didn’t help her up. I didn’t offer any comfort. I just stared down at her coldly

How do you plan to make it up to me? Are you going to slap yourself and keep donating blood? Are you going to torture yourself every day?” 

Florence shifted her eyes nervously, unsure how to respond. All she did was cry

Sienna, I let you down” 

That wasn’t what I wanted to hear. All I had ever wanted was to be treated right

Ignoring her, I turned away and headed back to Elijah’s house

Later, when Shaun called after Tyler’s and Florence’s visits, I thought it was to apologize. He owed me that much

I answered the call, but all I got were angry accusations

You worked with your brother to kick Jenna out of the family and made your mother cut ties with her. Do you have any idea how much that hurt her? Do you know how hard she’s been crying?” 

My grip tightened on the phone. Do you know that she’s been faking her illness? She’s not even my biological sister! She deserves to suffer for what she’s done to me!” 

How can you say such horrible things? She was just a baby when she was switchedshe didn’t choose this! Pretending to be sick was your mother’s idea. She’s just an innocent victim. You-” 

I couldn’t take it anymore and cut him off. Innocent? Fine. I hope your first child gets choked to death, and you end up raising someone else’s bastard. And I hope you become someone’s blood bag for the rest of your life!” 

I hung up before he could respond

I didn’t need an apology from him anymoreI wanted payback. Tenfold

It wasn’t like I hadn’t given him a chance. He had been the one to refuse it

Shaun had a younger brother, Wayne Reeves, with whom he didn’t get along. So I decided to call him

Wayne had been eyeing Shaun’s position as the successor to the Reeves Group for years

My WhatsApp number is the same as my phone number. Add me, and I’ll send you proof of your brother sleeping with Jenna after we got engaged

Also, he’s trying to cozy up to the head of Austage City’s Urban and Rural Development Bureau to steal the Old City refurbishment project from you

And your girlfriend, Mavis Lyndon? She’s working for your brother. He knows the tender amount you’ve prepared and has already leaked it to your competitors. He plans to use that information to push you off the board of directors.” 

Success meant everything to Shaun, and I was determined to destroy him. It wasn’t easy for me to climb the career ladderit was far easier to drag him down

In less than a month, news broke of Shaun twotiming me and attempting to sabotage Wayne. The company was furious, and he was forced out of his CEO position at the Reeves Group

+25 BONUS 

Chapter 0006 

During Old Mr. Reeveseightieth birthday celebration, Wayne was officially named the next successor to the Reeves Group. Shaun was too busy dealing with the fallout to bother me anymore

As for Florence and Tyler, after losing their jobs and cutting ties with Jenna, they focused all their attention on me. They tried everything to get back in my good graces

I found it a waste of time. I sold the gifts they gave me and donated the money. Anything unsellable, I threw away

Shaun, desperate, changed his number and called me again. Why are you doing this to me? I’ve always seen you as my fiancéethe only person I trusted. That’s why I shared those commercial secrets with you!” 

I blasted back, Do you think you can hurt me whenever you want, and I’m just supposed to accept it?” 

He deserved every bit of what happened

Wayne, grateful for the information I had shared, bought me a villa when he found out I was looking to buy a house

The day I moved in, Elijah and his family came over to celebrate with me. Among them was his grandson, Jordan 


Jordan was a strikingly handsome man, but his intimidating aura made him seem dangerous. He was a renowned photographer, but he looked more like a member of the mafia

Elijah introduced him. Jordan’s trained in kickboxing and Muay Thai. He once encountered a group of armed poachers while working in the rainforest and took down every one of them.” 

Elijah smiled warmly. I know your family’s been giving you trouble, so since Jordan’s free these days, I’ve arranged for him to stay in the house across from yours. If you need anything, he’s there to help.” 

I wanted to refuse the offer. Jordan was far too intimidatingI didn’t dare to speak to him

But before I could come up with an excuse, the doorbell rang

I got up to open it

Standing there were Florence and Tyler


I Quit

I Quit

Status: Ongoing
I Quit


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