Chapter 18
1 wake up feel a hands around me,I try to move but the grip on me becomes stronger.
The person groans from behind and a ghost smile appears on my lips.
1 look out the window seeing the rays of sunlight penetrating through the glass.
The birds are chirping and leaves look more greener due to the rain last night.
I try to move again but Zander groan behind me and then I feel his lips behind my ears,
“If you don’t want me to fuck you senseless here, you better stop moving“he voice echoes in my ears, a mixture of his and atlas’s.
“Let me go,l need to pee” snap at him and I hear him sigh before letting me go.
I stand up and walk to the wash room without looking back at him or ask for directions.
After opening and closing doors, I finally find the rest room did my business and wash my hands.
I look in the mirror and take in my looks, my hair is messy,my lips are swollen and my neck is full of hickeys.
My face instantly reddens when memories of yesterday rushes back like a flood.
Zander/Atlas didn’t hold back, he kissed me till I needed air till I almost blacked out.
I need to soothe him, and talk sweet nothings to him and reassure him that I wasn’t going anywhere or else I would have woken up this morning marked.
I’ll be bearing his mark and that is something I don’t want.
I sigh and leave the room,I stop Infront of what happens to be the bedroom and open it.
I step inside and take in the surroundings
I walk around, taking in the decor, there is a king size bed with grey sheets and comforters, there is also a walk in closet and beside the window is a night stand with a huge mirror hanging on the wall.
On top is what looks like a picture frame,
I pick it up and my throat feels like there is a lump there.
A picture of my sister and Zander,my parents, my brother and his wife and son, and little boy and I don’t recognize.
I take in the boy, the green eyes and black hair matching mine makes me instantly know that he was Crystal’s and Zander’s son
He has the cutest grin on his face I’m this picture and he is looking at his father as if he was a superhero and Zander gazes at him like he was his entire world.
Crystal on other hand looks like she has seen a ghost, she looks pale and her eyes has lost every life in her. She has a forced smile on her face and was standing so far away from Zander.
I am lost in thoughts when the door burst open,
“What the fuck are you with that?” he growls and snatches the picture from my hands.
“LI..what happened to my sister?“I blurt and his eyes grows darker,
“Don’t fucking talk about her! You have no right to speak about her. Get out! Get out now” he growls,
Chapter 18
“No! I am sick and tired of you blaming me for her death! I didn’t kill her! It is your fault this happened! You rejected me and married her, knowing the consequences of your actions! She died because she was a coward! A coward who couldn’t live with the fact that I ran away because of her!” I yell and before I can comprehend,
Zander has backhanded me and I am on floor clutching on my cheeks,
“How dare you!“he growls and stalks towards me but fear kicks in and I crawl back away from him, clutching onto my checks as the tears flow down my cheeks,
He gr
grabs my legs and pulls me back and grabs my neck,he bats my back against the wall and squeezes his hand on my neck,
“Don’t you ever, I mean ever,speak about my wife in that manner again. Once I am done with you, we will know who the coward is“he says darkly strengthen his hold on my neck cutting my oxygen supply.
I try to pry his hands off but he is stronger than me when in alpha mode.
“Z…“I plea,my face is becoming purple,I feel the life slipping away from me.
Suddenly as if striked by lightning,he lets of me and steps back.
I drop to my knees and inhale deeply, trying to get as much air as possible.
Hook up at him with fear, so much fear. He is so much like him, he is just like him.
He is just like Darius!
Regret covers his expression as sobs rips from me.
“Crystalise….“he steps closer to me but I back up against the wall.
“Don’t come closer to me you monster!“I whisper hoarsely.
“I….I am sorry, I didn’t….I don’t…I didn’t know what came over me!“he please frustrated.
“Please…stay away from me“I cry and with the little strength I have,I shift into my wolf form and run out of the house into the woods.
“You hurt mate“Atlas whimpers
“I didn’t mean it and you know it. She was speaking bad about our wife. They love of our life! I couldn’t watch her do that “I tell him still looking through the window watching the trail Crystalise left behind.
“But she is our mate. We don’t hit our mates! She is now afraid of us. She won’t give us a chance anymore! We will die without her We need to make her before the next full moon or else the bond will be broken forever?“he growls
“I know that! But I can’t bring myself to forgive her after everything. She took everything away from me and she needs to pay! She needs to go through the same pain Crystal went through before her death“I tell him and he growls before retrieving back.
I growl and shift before following her into the woods.