Let Live 7

Let Live 7

Book 1: Chapter

The week new by and Fisday arrived as a much more typical winter day. The sky was overcast and it looked 

the snow as much as they might call it a down tight gloomy day Because of the chill in the usual to climb out of the warm bed. I did however eventually rise, turned on the faeplace and took a seat next to it

could snow at any

picked up my laptop right away which I had been doing for the past few days I eventually told Angelique about the initial conversation with Kyle She had not stopped giving me a hard time since. Kyle and I had chatted several times and had learned a lot about each other. I looked forward ta chats He made me laugh and i needed that right now 

When got the webpage pulled up. I saw that there was a message from Kyle. It simply said. Hope you have a great day. That made me smile and her checking the newsfeed, I closed my laptop. Angelique had left for work promising to return early so that we can get to the clinic and commence Qur 

I meandered around the house for most of the day I looked through the help wanted ads in the newspaper Nothing caught my eye. There were lots of nursing jobs like usual but I just was not ready to go back in that field. That would be my last resort if I couldn’t find anything else. I had time to find 

what was right for me. Carter made sure that I had plenty of money to live on, but that would not last forever 

Angelique arrived around 5.30 pm just in enough time to jump in the car and make it to the clinic to see Carter leave Angelique had taken possession (of her assistant’s white Dodge Caravan Not exactly what I would call camouflage, it stuck out like a sore thurib, but then again, Carter would never suspect Angelique or to be in a minivan. We were both more of the sports car type 

We hopped into the borrowed vehicle and I was shocked at the appearance of the interior. There were happy meal boxes and sippy cups strewn about it definite came across as the car of a mother of three. I assumed that she did not have any spare time to take it to the car wash and have it _cleaned out. I sat with my purse on my lap for fear of what I might set it in if I were to place it on the floor

We pulled 

into a spot about a block away from the clinic where we had a good view of Carter’s car. If we planned it right, he would be leaving in about minutes We sat listening to the radio and my nerves were coming undone. I did not know what I would do if our suspicions were true. I had enough hurt, I could not handle any more

It was only a few minutes before we saw his silver Lexus pull out of the parking lot. We inconspicuously pulled out behind him. We followed him for Put seven miles until we saw him pull into a local Holiday Inn. I felt as if I were going to vomit. It can’t be 

Maybe he is going to interview her in the lobby. Just breathe, Angelique said reassuringly

We waited for him to go inside before we parked and walked casually in Angelique went before me. It would be easier for her to come up with an excuse if Carter were to see her. When she saw that the coast was clear, she signaled me in 

We sat in the far corner of the lobby where we could see almost everything, yet we were pretty much hidden. Carter was sitting at the bar with his back towards us watching a MMA fight on the television above the bar. He openly flirted with the young female bartender while she twisted off the cap to the bottle of Bud light that he had ordered. She placed it before him, batted her eyelashes and leaned forward as to give him a good look down her low cut shirt while he made conversation. As he raised the beer to his mouth I could see that there was no longer a ring on his left hand. Interesting 

y Rosa 

After ten minutes or so, a tall, slender blonde walked up to him and placed her hand on his shoulder with way too much familiarity. Apparently, was a blonde bombshell Great. She made it perfectly clear to the bartender who Carter was there with 

He stood up and embraced the gorgeous woman She planted a kiss on him that in no way could be misconstrued as a friendly kiss and he enthusiastically reciprocated. It had passion behind it, passion that I had not seen in months. They walked hand in hand to the front desk and checked into a room. He placed our credit card on the counter to pay for the room. My blood began to boil. He was using our joint account for a hotel room with ths bimbo

Angelique had made her way within earshot in time to hear the hotel clerk say. You will be in room 516. Take the elevator up to the fifth floor and make a night. The room will be on your night. I hope you enjoy your stay” 

They headed for the elevator and Angelique came back to stand next to me 

Well, at least we know what room number he is in What do you want to do?” 

My head was spinning I could feel the tears welling up and what I really wanted to do was just break down and cry and immediately leave, but | daf not want tam to be able to deny anything I wanted to catch him in the act 

Let’s give them time to get comfortable and then knock on the door. I want him to know he is busted” 

You got it. Kiddo. Are you okay?I could see the look of concern on her face. With her help, I could make it through this. She has been in this exact position. She will know how to heal I am, however, glad that I did not let her bring her gun. The temptation might have been too great

We went to the bar and had a glass of wine together. It was a great way to waste the time we needed to waste. The same bartender that waited on Carter now waited on us as well I wanted to just scirons al that she was just shoving her boobs in my husband’s face, but held my tongue. Maybe she was just trying to get a good tip and besides how would she know he was mamed if he was not wearing his wedding ring

Book 1 Chapter

We finished the glass in twenty minutes or so and headed up to the fifth floor. We made it to room 516 and I wanted to bolt in the other direction Ang must have sensed this because she clutched my arm and whispered, You have to do this, Aubrey. You have to see it for yourself 

As much as I hated it, I knew she was right. I knocked on the door not having a plan and Angelique stepped in front of me and put her finger over the peep hole. We heard movement and then heard an outof breath Carter say, Who is it

Angelique again took control and said in a strange voice, Complimentary bottle of wine courtesy of the hotel Good thinking Ang, Carter never passed up anything that was free. We heard the deadbolt turn. I felt like passing out. The door slowly opened and as soon as there was enough room Angelique stuck her foot in the done to prevent him from closing it on us 

There stood Carter in all his glory with only a small hand towel held in front of his crotch and a look of complete shock on his face. We could see straight into the room to see Rosa clutching the sheet to her bare breasts. By the look on her face, she knew exactly who I was. What else did she know about me

I stepped past Carter and focused on Rosa. “You do know he is married, right?I said looking her straight in the eyes 7 could tell by the look on your face when the door opened that you knew who I was. How could you do this?” 

She had no answer. She just sat there looking like a scared little mouse trapped in a corner. I turned my attention to Carter

And you, what the hell are you doing? How could you do this to me? I ha been nothing but good to you and this is how you repay me? You are no better than your father You swore you would never do this to me because you remember watching your mother crying night after night when she found out about his aftar You are a liar and a cheat and I despise you” 

I did not have anything else to say and so I walked back to the doorway. Angelique on the other hand did, but she did not use words. Before I knew what she was doing, she had raised her Jimmy Choo shoe and planted it squarely on that towel that he was clinging to. I heard a loud moan and watched Carter drop to his knees. Angelique turned, put her arm around me and we walked

I am thinking that he will not be able to finish that interview nowAngelique said and we both laughed. It was better than the other option. We 

finished the wak to the car in silence

It was a quiet drive home as well. She let me absorb all that I had just witnessed. Finding out my husband was having an affair, was probably the last thing that I needed right now How much can one person take? I just need one break, one piece of good news 

When we reached the house I politely excused myself to my room. I needed to be alone. I needed to cry and that is exactly what I did. I put my head in my pillow and sobbed like a baby 

I suddenly felt Angelique running her fingers through my hair. I had not even heard her come in

Is there anything I can do, Kiddo?she asked

I sat up and looked her right in the eyes. Why is God doing this to me? I have lost my mom, my son, and now my marriage, all in one year, I am done.” 

He will never give you more than you can handle,she assured me

Well guess what? You are wrong. I cannot handle this! It is too much.I was done. I had lost all faith that I once had. I had believed in a god. I believed that he had my best interests at heart I knew that I would have sorrows in my life, I had accepted that. That is part of life. I did not know that they would all come in one year I did not know what I believed anymore. My faith was gone 

7 promise you that you will get through this, I will help you. You are a wonderful person and you do not deserve any of this.” 

I have the best friend in the whole world. I honestly don’t know what I would do without 

ut you” 

How about this best friend takes you out to dinner? You can have anything you want.” 

Sounds great, let me get cleaned up. I will meet you downstairs” 


Angelique started to head out of the bedroom and spun around as she reached the door. Aubrey, I love you. I am here for you. I always will 

I know. That is why I love youI gave her the best smile that I could manage, which wasn’t great, but it was a good attempt 

I pushed myself up off of the bed and headed to the bathroom. I needed to wash my face. I looked like a raccoon from rubbing my wet mascara filled eyes I walked to the bathroom to make myself look presentable, despite the fact that it looked like an impossible task. I washed my face and began to get ready 

A nice dinner sounded great I was famished. The fact that Angelique said I could have anything I wanted was intriguing. Italian was my favorite, but we just had spaghetti recently I could go for some eggplant parmesan though I want to go somewhere with a bar as well. A nice tall margarita sounded good. Tequila can make any problem seem less formidable. Neither of these choices were on the current diet plan, but after today, who cares? Olive Garden it is 

I went to the closet and looked through the few clothes that I had brought with me. Thank goodness I had brought a dress with me. I knew that Ang liked to go out to nice restaurants on a regular basis and figured that it might come in handy


I pulled out my blue curve hugging dress. I had a little more curves than the last time I wore it, but I still think it is flattering. It had a nice Vneck that 

Bock 1 Cham

showed off my vol 

nd brushed thros 

idge and a siber eye shado 

brown eye shado | blue highlight 

some by spiral curls in my long 

natural Tonight, fete being bold put 

was in order for tonight 

and placed ances 

put on one of my prize possessions. They

of Goseppe Zanotti’s bila 

La small diamond pendant around my near. The last chore was to heels that had a jeweled brooch adomment on the front. I now 

black eyeliner 

out some diamond stud earrings 

d bling from head to 

ed down the steps to find Angelique waiting for me what took her so long, but she always looked so glamorous 

was surprising the usually took much longer than to get ready i always wondered 

Va Va Voom, I heard her say as I reached the foyer I gave her at to give her the 

“Do I look okay? I’m worried 

down my 

if it would make my hips smaller by doing so

Aubrey you look absolutely stunning You will make great arm candy for me tonight she giggled 

7 would be honored to be your date In fact, after today ght just start dating women from now on teased How 

Ghi Aubrey. If you want italian, let me take you to Salvatore’s, it is far better” 

Ang, that is too muchSalvatore’s was an upscale italian restaurant. It was rather expensive Olive Garden will be just fine” 

Nope, only the best for my friend, besides it is my favorite. So, let’s hit it, Chica 

Garden sound for 

I grabbed my cout and slipped it on then grabbed my purse. Angelique opened the door for me and gestured with a wave of her arm for me to go before her and we left for a much needed night out

We both climbed into her palladium silver Mercedes Benz She bought this car the day that her divorce was final. It was a in your face, Sean purchase He had always wanted one and with her alimony payments she would be receiving from him, he would be buying one, but without the privilege of ever getting to drive it. This gave Angelique great pleasure

I immediately turned on the butt warmer. That is what I called it anyway. Leather seats were great, but freezing in the winter it was rather frigid outside again and the short trip would be miserable without the butt warmer

We arrived at the restaurant to find a long line. We gave our name to the hostess and promptly made a beeline for the bar. We took a seat on the stools and bellied up to the bar. A handsome young bartender asked, What can I get you beautiful ladies?” 

Flattery will get you everywhere. By the way Angelique was gawking at him, it could possibly get him much more than a big tip 

Two tall margantas please,” she said in her sexy voice. Yeah, she was smitten. I was beginning to think that I might have just lost my date for the night. He began making our drinks all the while smiling back at Angelique. Oh boy 

Hey Ang, you okay there? Inbbed

Oh yeah, all is good, she answered still not taking her eyes off of the handsome hunk. He was very attractive, but by my estimation, a good ten 

years younger than her

Wing, he is a little on the young side don’t you think?” 

Young is good. That way, I can train him. I have a lot to teach a fine y young specimen like 


“I am sure you doHe made his way back over to us and placed two large goblets of green liquid before us. Angelique picked hers up and licked the sat along the edge in a very sensual way while maintaining eye contact with the cutie pie. I was beginning to become uncomfortable. Angelique has never been subtle She eventually turned her attention to me, but definitely kept one eye on him 

Well do you think Ca 

Carter has picked himself up of the floor yet?she chuckled 

I don’t know You kicked him in the family jewels pretty damn hard” 

deserved it too

1 agree. It just surprised me 

I looked like I surprised her as well the laughed loudly at the thought. I could not help but join her. It was rather funny to see him lying on the floor cradling his junk. Normally I would not find this funny, but she was right, he definitely deserved it. Cheating bastard 

It did not take long to polish off our fest margarita. It went down smoothly. It didn’t take much to get Cutieple’s attention to request two more, Just 

she placed them in front of us, the black gizmo the hostess handed us it up with red flashing lights indicating that our table was ready. Angelique gave a very special thank you and placed a twenty dollar bill where our drinks once sat. Subtle, she is not

Book 1 Chapter

We made our way 

to the hostess podium and followed a young petite blonde to our table. The margaritas were already affecting me as walking in a straight line was proving slightly difficult. Not drinking for nine months sure made taking up drinking again much cheaper. I was a light weight once again. It was kind of nice. We took our seats at the table and began looking over the menu

Fortunately, we had a female wait on us. Angelique would have no one to flirt with now. I ordered the eggplant parmesan like I had planned and Ang got the healthier option of herbgrilled salmon. This is how she stayed looking like a super model. We did partake of the salad and bread sticks, however, we requested that they only bring two bread sticks, one for each of us. If they had set a full basket of warm buttery bread sticks on our table, the entire thing would have been devoured

When our entrées arrived, the smell was amazing. I was about to enjoy real food, comfort food. I had not indulged in quite some time. It was spectacular 

Angelique and I talked about my future plans, which I had not given much thought to yet. She asked me about Kyle and if I had talked to him lately. I had talked to him every day since seeing him at the gym, but I had not talked to him at all today. My mind was preoccupied. I was going to have to send him a message when I got home to let him know what happened. As I was making a mental note to do just that, I saw a familiar face walk toward me

“Hhe said in that deep voice of his 7 saw you both when you sat down, but I didn’t want to interrupt your meal” 

A smile reflexively emerged on my face. Hi Kyle, what are you doing here?” 

1 just wanted to grab a nice bite to eat before heading home. I am single, I eat out a lot.” 


Kyle, would you like to join us?Angelique asked without my permission, not that I objected. We just asked for togo boxes and were going to sit and enjoy a drink” 

If I’m not imposing, I would love to.He looked at me for a sign of my approval

Please,I said and motioned for him to sit in the empty chair next to me

When the waitress returned with our boxes, Angelique paid our check and we slipped our leftovers into the boxes. Not two minutes later, Angelique says, 1 think I am going to go sit at the bar. It was nice seeing you Kyle She then stood up and left us

Does she not like me or is she trying to give us some privacy?Kyle asked

Ha, don’t worry, it is purely selfish. There is something at the bar she really wants and it is not a drink.” 

das i try to resist

see.” He looked at me with those dreamy emerald green eyes of his. I am drawn to him. I can’t explain it, but it is magnetic. As hard as I he pulls me in 

He bought me another drink, which was probably not a good idea, but I wanted to spend time with him. I was not ready to go home and be alone with my memories of today’s events. I revealed said events to Kyle in full detail. When I told him about Angelique dropping Carter to his knees, he laughed out loud and then apologized for being so inconsiderate. I could not help but laugh again myself

ben a man with 

it’s fine. I will be fine. I think deep down, I already knew what was going on anyway,” I assured him. “When a for sex, it is a definite red flag. I just tried to pretend it wasn’t true.” 

a sex drive like his quits asking 

He reached over and gave my hand a reassuring squeeze. I expected him to release my hand after the squeeze, but he did not and I didn’t pull away either. Maybe because of the alcohol I had consumed, maybe because it felt nice. He rubbed his thumb on my index finger back and forth. I felt warmth come over me, again it could be the alcohol, but I was thinking not 

Angelique came walking back to the table and immediately we both pulled our hands away. She looked at Kyle and asked, Do you mind taking Aubrey home? Something came up. I smiled at her and shook my head, I knew exactly what came up

Sure, I would love to” 

I will be home soon, Ang,I assured her 

She replied, Take your time.” A mischievous smile crossed her lips and I knew she truly wanted me to take my time. She turned and walked away. I could not see the main entrance, but my assumption was that she would not be walking out that door alone

Once she was out of sight Kyle reached for my hand once again Do you mind?he asked

We sat and talked for about an hour. We talked about hockey and our mutual love for the game. He invited me to come watch some games at his tink. They weren’t professional games. Mostly beer league hockey, full of adult men relaxing after a hard day at work, but I was still interested in watching. Not only would I get to watch the game I enjoy, but I would get to spend more time with Kyle

Are you ready to go?” he asked me. Honestly, I did not want to part company from him 

Sure,I reluctantly answered, Kyle paid for our drinks and we left. We walked to his Ford Explorer and he opened my door for me, it had been years since Carter had done that for me. Kyle was a true gentleman. I didn’t know that such a thing existed anymore 

Book 1 Chapter

When we arrived at Angelique’s house he told me to stay put and he again came around the vehicle to open my door for me. I was impressed. He grabbed my hand and helped me out of the truck. He walked me to the door and as I stood there, he said, By the way. I haven’t told you yet, but you look absolutely stunning tonightI smiled at the compliment

Thank you. You clean up nice as well. Thanks for the drink. I had a good time.” 

Anytime, it was my pleasure

He gave me a kiss on the cheek and we said goodnight. Just as I was reaching for the door handle, the door came open. There stood Cutiepie 

Well, hello there,” I said. Kyle looked at me with the realization of what Angelique had wanted at the bar

Hi, I was just leavingHe had a very satisfied look on his face

it was nice meeting you. Have a good nightI said as the two men headed for their cars. I walked through the door and there stood Angelique in her silk robe. Her face was flushed and her hair looked like Medusa’s. I laughed. Subtle. Ang real subtle 

Let Live

Let Live

Status: Ongoing


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