Let Live 9

Let Live 9

Book 1: Chapter

Carter pumped out of his car quickly in order to catch me before I could clands leto. Angelique’s car. Aubrey, waitHe grabbed my arm just as

reached the door

What do you want, Carter? I just came to pick up some more clothe 

Twant to tell you I’m sorry” 

Save it for someone who cares. Carter

Aubrey pleasehe pleaded

How long? How long have you been screwing her? And do not lie to me

You don’t need to know how long, Baby. It doesn’t matter.” 

Yes, yes i do need to know and do not call me Baby. It matters to me. Was it before I had the baby or after?” 

“Beforewas all he said with his eyes looking at the ground

That is why you became less and less affectionate with me.I said with clarity. It is all starting to make sense to me. I understand now the common phrase “Hind sight is 20/20

Baby,he stopped to correct himself and then started again, Aubrey please just let me explain things to you.” 

7 don’t think that there is anything to explain, Carter, You were having sex with another woman. That is all I need to know GoodbyeI pulled my arm from his grasp and chebed into the car Angelique quickly drove away not giving him a chance to say anything else

During the drive home, all I could think about was the fact that Carter had been having on affair even before I lost the baby. Part of me wanted to know all the sordid details. Where did it happen? Did it ever happen at my house? How long had it been going on? The other part of me thought maybe it would be better if I did not know anything at all. Either way, the betrayal was insurmountable. The chances of reconciliation had just diminished greatly

I previously had hopes that I could learn to forgive, that maybe counseling could help heal our marriage. I thought maybe it was partly my fault that he strayed, that maybe I was not there for him emotionally because I was dealing with my own grief. This was proven wrong by the knowledge that he had been doing this much longer than originally thought. My decisions had just been made so much easier by one simple word before

I walked into the house feeling deflated, I knew one thing that would make me feel better and so I headed straight up to my room, pulled out my laptop and logged on. All I wanted to do was to talk to Kyle. I knew he could make me feel better, even though chances were he would tease me about the encounter in the sauna 

I did not have any messages waiting so I started reading the newsfeed. I made it about half way down the page when I saw a small window pop up at the bottom right of my screen

Kyle: Hey, it’s me. Beefcake. He teased

Me: Shouldn’t ub working

Kyle Yes, but I was hoping 2 catch this girl online that called me sexy as helltoday

Me: I’m sorry u heard that

Kyle. U shouldn’t b. I’m flattered 

Me Kyle,

u know that night out u offered me 

Kyle Yes 

Me: I think I’d really like to take u up on that. How does Friday night sound

Kyle Sounds great, but 2morrow would b better. Will 2morrow work 4u7 

Me: Umm, yeah, I guess that will work 

Kyle Great, I start making some plans. I hate 2 cut this short, but I really do have 2 get 2 work, 11 call u and let you know what time I will pick u up 

Me Okay Glad I caught u. Have a great day 

Kyle U2. Tiyl 

We had exchanged numbers online a few days ago, but had yet to use them. We kept our communication strictly to Facebook messaging. I guess was about to change. I finished reading the newsfeed all the while smiling uncontrollably. I no longer cared what people thought of me seeing Kyle. It was just a friendly night out anyway Nobody had to know that I get goose bumps every time I was near him

could not help but wonder what he would plan for us. I only had one day to think about it, which was good, because I would drive myself crazy if had to wait a week I better go tell Angelique. She will be excited

I closed my laptop and went to find her. I found her in her room lying on the bed and talking on her cell phone. I walked in and took a seat on her red upholstered rolled arm bench that sat at the foot of her bed 

“I would love to Brandon. I’ll see you around seven then?I overheard her say 

“Great. See you tomorrowShe hung up and looked at me 

What’s up, Chica?” she asked

1 could ask you the same thing. Looks like we both have dates tomorrow” 

Really? Did Beefcake ask you out?” 

Well, yes. A few days ago he said that he would like to take me out, but I told him that I needed time, but after today. I told him I could go out Friday and he asked if I was busy tomorrow” 

Oh, he is in a hurry,” she teased 

We are just going as friends.” 

Sure you are. Friends with benefits maybe” 

Shut up. Ang.I said laughing. The thought had crossed my mind. There was not much to be left to the imagination after seeing him in the sauna today and I liked what I saw. I had been wanting that close personal contact from Carter, without success, and now I knew why. Rosa was getting all his affections and for quite some time. Maybe Kyle was going to be the one to give me the attention that I desired, not tomorrow though, in due time

Where is he taking you?she inquired

Oh don’t know. He seems to want it to be a surprise. Where are you and Brandon going?” 

Just to dinner at a new restaurant on Main Street. It is supposed to have great food and a live band.” 

Sounds exciting Are you going to partake in dessert again?I ribbed

It is a very good possibility. Dessert was delicious the other night. Want to take a trip to the lingerie shop just in case

Actually, that sounds like fun. Are you ready to go now

Yes malam.” 

We once again donned our coats and made our way out into the frigid air. We jumped in my Charger and set out for the local mall. A girl’s shopping top is always a good time. Maybe a new outfit would be nice for my date tomorrow, although I had no idea how to dress because I did not know where we were going. The element of surprise is exciting, but a little unnerving as well

When we arrived at the mall, we headed for the lingerie store. I was excited to buy some new lingerie. The thought that someone might actually see it was even more exciting. Yes, I was definitely missing some male companionship

Immediately inside, Angelique started picking things up. She was like a kid in a candy store. Within minutes, she had several items that she wanted to try on. I had yet to pick up anything. She is a sprint shopper. I am more of a marathoner. I like to take my time and enjoy. Ang just likes to outright buy as much as she can as quick as she can

She dashed to the dressing room and began changing while I was still perusing the merchandise. Once in her first outfit, she came out to show me. Unfortunately, there were some men in the store and they began gawking at her merchandise. I would have been embarrassed; Angelique however, just gave them a show and spun around like she was on a catwalk

What do you think? The look on the men’s faces said I that it would be a huge success. She wore a black leather bustier that barely contained her breasts it had garters holding up thigh high black stockings and matching panties that showed off her perfect little rump 

You look great. I want to see the rest though” 

This is all there is she giggled

I meant the other outfits, you goofShe turned around and sashayed back into the changing room. I continued looking for something that caught my eye. I saw a white bustier with black embroidered embellishments and matching panties. It was gorgeous. I did not need to look any further, this is what i needed Now, I wanted to find some new bras and panties and I would be all set

Angelique came back out in a pink baby doll teddy with a black bow that tied just under her breasts. Again, it was amazing. The third outfit she tried on, I had to go into the dressing room to view it. it was a black lace teddy that was completely seethrough and had a black ribbon that crisscrossed down the back. She decided that she needed all three 

We went to the counter and made our purchases I wanted to repay her for taking me out to dinner the other night, so I drove her to a nearby restaurant that serves a great grilled chicken salad. I knew she would appreciate the lowcalorie fare because we had overindulged enough this week

Book 1 Chapter

Plus, we wanted to look good in our new sexy garb 

We were sitting at the table and my phone rang. I reached into my purse to retrieve it. I saw that it was Kyle and I smiled and showed Angelique the callerid. I was about to answer it when Angelique yelled, Stop. Let it ring a few more times. You do not want him to think you were sitting with the phone in your hand just waiting for him to call” 

FineTwo more rings and I picked up 

Hello,I answered as if I did not know who it was

Hi, Aubrey, it’s Kyle” 

Hi, How are you?” 

Tm pood. So, I have plans made. Can I pick you up at five?” 

SureI was thinking that five was a little early for a date, but that was okay

Okay Listen, do you have a hockey jersey?” 

Of course I do.” 

wear it for me

Will you wear 

You got it 

Great See yout 

you tomorrow at five.” 

Okay, see you then” 

I hung up and Angelique immediately wanted all the details, I explained the brief conversation I had just had 

Maybe he is taking you to a bar and grill to watch some sporting event that starts early.” 

Yeah, maybe. Hockey season is in full swing so I guess that is a possibility. I guess I will find out tomorrow 

Wherever he takes you. I am sure you will have a great time.” 


“He could take me to a pig farm and I think I would have a good time.” Angelique chuckled at that

Are you ready to go home? We have to get our beauty rest for tomorrow” 

Yes. Let’s go!” 

We made our way home after a long day of constant running around. It seemed like we had not sat still for more than ten minutes. I was ready to climb into my soft bed and just relax. I slipped into some comfy jammies and pulled my hockey jersey out of the closet and set it aside for tomorrow. I washed my face, brushed through my hair and plopped onto that marvelous bed

I reached for my everpresent laptop and powered it up, Facebook was like an addiction before I friended Kyle, and now it was even worse. If I had a spare moment, I was logging in. It always made my heart jump when I saw that red icon indicating I had a message. I felt like a young school girl again. On the flip side, there was always a slight disappointment when there wasn’t a message waiting

I logged on and this time it was disappointment, however, I did see a green dot next to Kyle’s name indicating that he was online. I never made first contact. I always waited for him to send me a message. I guess I just did not want to seem too eager. I started playing the site’s games all the while hoping that Kyle would message me 

It did not take very long before the chat box popped up

Kyle: U busy

Me: No, just harvesting my crops on Farmville 

Kyle How was ur day

Me 11 was good, very busy, but good

Kyle Good. I’m exded about 2morrow I think we are going 2 have fun

Me Im sure we will. I’m excited

Kyle: Well, I know u must fired. I just wanted 2 say goodnight 

Me: I’m glad u did. Goodnight Kyle. I see you 2morrow

Kyle Goodnight Aubrey 

That is all it took to boost my spints, just a short little chat. I finished playing my game and then shut down my computer once again. I set it on the 

Book Chapter

night stand and climbed under the covers I had a feeling that I would have sweet dreams once again

Let Live

Let Live

Status: Ongoing


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