Book 1: Chapter 13
It’s seven”
1 am so sorry. I must have fallen asleep. I just wanted to rest my eyes.” I jumped up holding tightly to the towel that I still had wrapped around me, hoping that it was covering my body sufficiently.
“Aubrey, it’s okay. If you are tired, we don’t have to go out. We can go out tomorrow.
“No. I want to go. Do you mind waiting while I get ready?”
have waited years for you; I can certainly wait a little longer. His smile was wide and genuine. 1 will go downstairs and talk to Angelique while you get ready. Take your time, we have all night.”
“Okay. I am so sorry”
“Don’t be “He walked out of the room and closed the door behind him.
I walked to the vanity and looked in the mirror hoping that I wasn’t a huge mess. Other than not having any make–up on, I looked fairly good. My hair was still up in a bun from the bath and I had long loose spirals falling from it. It actually looked pretty sexy thank goodness. Maybe I did not scare him off after all
I quickly put on a little make–up and pulled down my hair. I threw a few more curls in it with my curling iron, flipped my head upside down and separated the curls, then flipped it back over. I sprayed it with hairspray and walked to the closet to find something to wear. I did not have time to put a whole lot of thought into it, so he would get what he gets.
I picked out a pair of light blue jeans and a brown V-neck sweater. I also picked out a pair of brown boots that came up to just under the knee. I took a look in the full length mirror that was in the corner of the room. I could tell that the gym was paying off. I was well below my pre–pregnancy weight and looked better than I had in a long time. I was proud of my results. This will have to do for tonight. I do not want to make him wait any longer.
I hurried my way down the steps and found Ang and Kyle sitting at the kitchen counter. He had a beer in his hand and she, as expected, was drinking
glass of wine.
“Wow, that was fast” Kyle said as he looked at my final results.
“You are just lucky you were not waiting on Angelique to get ready. She takes a lot longer than me,” I laughed.
“Perfection takes time, Angelique chimed in.
“Yeah, yeah. Are you ready, Kyle?”
“Absolutely” He stood up and got ready to leave. “Thanks for keeping me company, Angelique. Have a good night”
“Anytime, Kyle Take good care of my girl.”
Kyle and I walked to the door and he grabbed my cost off the hook and held it out for me. We made our way out to his truck and fortunately, it was still warm. I had no idea where he was taking me and honestly, it did not matter. I just enjoyed being with him.
He pulled up in front of a modest, but beautiful home. I was a little confused.
“I have a surprise for you” he said. He hurried out of the truck and around to my door. He held my door open and his hand out for me to grab while I stepped down from the truck. We walked up to the front door and he put a key in and turned the knob.
“Welcome to my home. He closed the door behind us and immediately helped me out of my coat. I looked around trying to take everything in while he hung our coats up in the front hall closet. It was decorated extremely well for being a bachelor’s home. He walked me straight to his dining room and pulled out a chair for me to have a seat in. They were high back chairs with black slip covers with huge black bows that tied in the back, very fancy looking
The table had fine white linen draped over it and the table was already set with service for two, a bouquet of flowers in the center and candles already lit. There was also a bottle of wine chilling in a beautiful silver bucket filled with ice. I was startled by noises in the kitchen and turned to see a man in full chef’s garb working hard over the stove.
didn’t think you would want to deal with people today, so I hired a chef to cook us a nice dinner. Are you okay with having dinner at my home?”
“Yes, you have a beautiful home. A nice quiet dinner would be perfect” He took his seat across from me. Shortly thereafter, the chef was serving us dinner. We had a nice salad, a beautiful juicy steak and a baked potato, Kyle must have already paid the chef because once he served us he quietly left out the back door.
this was completely unexpected, but a wonderful surprise. This is just what I needed tonight.”
Back 1 Chapter 13
hoped you would not be freaked out by me bringing you to my house, but I knew you could use a nice relaxing, quiet evening. I am sorry you had a tough day Did everything go okay?”
“Yes, I got everything moved and Carter did not show up, which was great. What I haven’t told you is that my lawyer called today and I went by there to pick up my divorce papers. I left them for Carter to sign”
“Well, that is good news I guess
Very good. I am ready to move on.”
He reached across the table to take my hand in his. “More wine?” he asked and with his free hand grabbed the wine bottle and refilled my glass not waiting for me to reply
“Thank you” As he held my hand he noticed the gold ring with a marquise cut diamond still residing on my ring finger.
Do you plan on taking that off?”
Yes, I guess I just haven’t given it much thought. Do you want to do the honors?”
“Are you sure you are ready?“*
He took the ring between his thumb and forefinger and gently slid it off my hand. He placed it before me and I picked it up and shoved it into jeans pocket, hoping I would not misplace it. I am sure it has some value and I could sell it at a pawn shop.
“Well, that’s that I said. “I think that deserves a toast.” We both picked up our glasses and held them in the air.
Here’s to moving on.”
clanked our crystal glasses together, smiled and then took a drink.
don’t have a fancy dessert. I do have some ice cream in the freezer. How would you like to make some bowls of ice cream and then go to the living room and watch some hockey?”
“Sounds great to me. Angelique doesn’t like hockey so I have not watched much lately, I am starting to have withdrawals.”
We cleaned up the table and placed all the dishes in the sink, I started to wash them, but he stopped me and told me that this was my right to relax and that he would take care of them later.
He reached into the cupboard and pulled out two bowls.“1 have rocky road and butter pecan, what’s your pleasure?”
“Rocky road please”
He grabbed both ice cream containers from his stainless steel freezer and placed them on the counter. He scooped some rocky road into bowl and he chose the butter pecan for his. We walked into the living room and sat side by side on his brown leather sectional couch. He picked up his remote and turned on hockey as promised
“Would you like a bite of my ice cream?” he asked.
me a bite. It was nice, but I am a chocolate girl. I will take the rocky road all day long.
He picked up his spoon to
o offer m
“Want a bite of mine?
“Absolutely” He leaned forward toward the spoon I was holding up and I smeared the ice cream on his lips instead of giving him a bite. I began laughing, while he tried to get rid of the wet, sticky mess on his face.
“Here, let me I said. I leaned forward and ran my tongue across his lips licking any ice cream that remained. I continued kissing him even after I was sure all the ice cream was gone. He took his bowl and set it on the end table next to him and then took mine from my hands and did the same. He took my face in his hands and kissed me with unbridled passion. I had never been kissed the way he kissed me.
After kissing for several minutes, he stood up, grabbed my hands and pulled me to a standing position and then led me to his bedroom. There was no need for him to ask, he saw in my eyes that I was finally ready to take this step with him.
ency with
He closed his door behind us, turned to me and began kissing me again. As he was undressing me, I could feel his urgency likewise started unbuttoning his shirt. I ran my hand down those abs that I had seen in the sauna what seemed like a lifetime ago. He finally got to see
Levery touch I the bustier that I had bought specifically for him and by the look on his face he was impressed by my purchase. That night we loved and laughed like never before. Our love was on a level that I had never experienced and I was quite certain that not many people had
“Bree, I love you. I always have,”
“Thave been trying to deny it, but I can’t anymore. I love you too, Kyle.”
I fell asleep in his arms that night feeling nothing but joy and hope for a happily ever after. Maybe there was a chance for a storybook ending.