Book 1: Chapter 15
The sun came glaring through his bedroom window that was covered only by a cheap set of mini blinds waking us up far too early. I pulled the solid black comforter over my eyes to block out the unwanted morning light. “We are going to have to get you a nice set of curtains for that window. That light is blinding and unappreciated this early in the morning.” He laughed that deep laugh of his, rolled on his side and pulled the covers down just long enough
Did you know that you are still beautiful even when you are grumpy? I take it you are not a morning person?”
“No, I was fine
was fine until the sun decided to violate my eyes” My voice was muffled by the covers that were still over my head.
“Well, maybe you can take me shopping and help me pick out some curtains. My mom promised to go with me, but she is the queen of
“It’s a date I am thinking of some red curtains that will compliment your black comforter and block out the sun. I love black and red together, one of my favorne combos.”
“Whatever you like, but for now can I make you some breakfast?”
1 pulled the covers away from my face and looked at him with disbelief. “You know how to cook? I thought you ate out all the time?”
you some eggs and bacon if that sounds okay”
know enough to get by. I am definitely not a chef by any means, but I can make you
It sounds great
He sprung out of bed like a jack–in–the–box, I took my time like usual. I guess I really was not a morning person, I walked to his bathroom to freshen up It was a masculine bathroom filled with unmatched towels and the bare necessities, but it was clean and that was a good sign.
While I was standing there, I realized that it did not feel weird waking up at his house. It felt like this was where I was meant to be all along. I feel like we have wasted so much time. If I had only known ten years ago that Kyle liked me, it could have saved me a lot of heartache.
I brushed through my hair and pulled it back in a ponytail, then made my way down the hallway to find Kyle cooking away in the kitchen. He was very focused because he did not notice when I walked in the room.
“Hey.” I said as I entered the room as to not startle him.
“Hi. How do you like your eggs, scrambled or fried?”
“Fried, over medium”
“You got it”
“Kyle, you called me Bree last night.”
“Yeah, is that okay?”
“Yeah, it just took me by surprise. The only other person to call me Bree was my mother. I actually loved when she called me that.”
⠀⠀ “So, are you sure you are okay with me calling you that?”
“Yes, it would actually be nice to hear it again“He smiled at me and then went right back to his work. It only took a few more minutes and we were ready to sit at the table and enjoy our breakfast. It was still decorated nicely from dinner last night. I carried two glasses of orange juice to the table and took my seat, Kyle carried in both plates overflowing with food.
He could definitely cook a great breakfast. We ate like kings. We were sitting at the table letting our food settle when Kyle said, “I know you have been looking for a job and I have a proposition for you”
“Okay, let’s hear it.” He had peaked my curiosity.
“Well, my bookkeeper was offered another job at a huge firm making twice as much money as I could pay him, so of course I told him he had to lake I know that you kept the books at the clinic and you also have a friend that is an accountant that could help you if needed Would you like to work for
“I don’t know. How much do you pay?” I asked jokingly. It really did not matter to me unless it was ridiculously low. Carter would be paying me almony and I would be getting a huge chunk of change from him after splitting all of our assets.
Tamn sure we can work out something agreeable to the both of us”
love being around hockey and I thank that this just might be a perfect fit for me When do you need me to start?”
“Whenever you think you are ready”
“Will next Monday be okay?”
Book 1. Chapter 15
That will be perfect.”
We changed our conversation and began talking about going to the store to buy those much needed bedroom curtains when my phone rang. I usually do not answer unknown numbers, but I got a weird feeling and decided to answer it anyway.
“This is Rosa” Why on earth would Ross be calling me ? I know I am the last person you want to hear from, but there has been an accident.”
“What happened? Is Carter okay? The worry in my voice was evident.
“No, he’s not. He is in the hospital. He asked me to call you. Can you come down here?”
“Yeah, I will be there as soon as I can. Thank you for calling”
“Sure” With that, we both hung up. So many thoughts were going through my head. She did not elaborate on what had happened to him, but it me
be serious if she was calling me. I looked at Kyle and said, “Carter is in the hospital. I need to get down there”
Do you need me to drive you?”
“Sure, unless you just want to drive me to Angelique’s to get my
y car
“No, that will take too much time I will just drive you.” I gathered up the dishes and placed them in the sink where the ones from last night were residing. Again, they would have to wait until later. We threw on our shoes, grabbed our coats and were out the door.
He got us to the hospital rather quickly. Rosa did not even tell me if he was in the emergency room or somewhere else, so I made my way to the
information desk and asked where I could find him. The older woman behind the desk informed me, “He is in the burn unit. Take the elevators to the
fourth floor and he is room 423”
After thanking her, we headed for the bank of elevators. When Rosa called me, my first thought was that he was in a car accident, but now I had no idea what had happened to him and my concern increased exponentially. Yes, I was angry with Carter for everything that had happened, but I did not want him hurt. I still cared for him I was sure I always would.
When we made it to his room, I knocked on the door before entering. Rosa opened it and told me that I would need to get in a protective gown and mask before entering. She retrieved one from his room and handed them to me. This is bad, this is really bad.
Kyle took a seat in a chair that was just outside Carter’s door. I carefully unfolded the paper gown and wrapped it around me. Kyle stood up and tied the back for me and then sat down again. I knew he could see the worry on my face, but he remained quiet and left me to my thoughts
I knocked again quietly before entering the room. I cautiously walked in afraid of what I might see. There was a smell that lingered in the room. It was not a pleasant smell. I went to the sink and washed my hands and then walked to the side of his bed and Carter turned to look at me.
1 will leave you two alone. Il be right outside if you need me” Rosa left the room quietly
“Hey I said softly. I wanted to reach down and hold his hand, but I couldn’t. They were both charred looking with skin peeling from them. Both of his arms, his chest and the lower part of his face were covered with second and third degree burns. I placed my hand on his head instead and asked, “What
“A package…” he started to tell me, but had to stop and take a huge breath, I could tell that every move he made caused him pain. He tried again, “A package was sitting at the front door of the clinic this morning when I arrived I just assumed the UPS guy got there before I did and left it for me. He has done that before. When I picked it up, I felt extreme heat and I could not see anything. I did not feel the pain right away, but it sure is setting in now Fortunately, the guy must have been an amateur or I would be dead right now.”
“Do you think it was that activist group?”
“I would bet anything it was. The cops are there now investigating”
“Good How is your pain?
“His getting bad. They keep giving me morphine, but it still hurts.”
“I bet.” I knew it would only get worse. They will have to come and peel the dead tissue from him and then by the look of his arms, he would probably have to get sm grafts. He was going to have a rough road ahead of him “What can I do, Carter?”
need you to close down the clinic for me.
the employees that we will be closed for a while, Have Jeannie call and cancel all scheduled appointments and place a sign on the door stating that we will be closed until further notice. I need you to do it today while the cops are still there I do not want you there alone” I could tell the morphine was taking affect because his eyes were getting droopy and his speech was slowing
“Okay Carter, I am so sorry
am so sorry this happened to you. Try to get some rest I will come back tomorrow
“Thank you Aubrey”
“You’re welcome.” I left with more thoughts running through my head than when I arrived Kyle stood up when he saw me and asked, is he okay?”