Let Live 24

Let Live 24

Book 2: Chapter

As in Architecture? Tenn paused. Now he knew why she looked so familiar, he and Quill had known each other for years. Quill often used him as a consultant for historical projects, and a picture of him with Quinn at their graduation from Boston University hung up on his office wall Quill and I know each other quite wellHe found out about Quinn at a meeting a few years ago where Quail had called and asked him to change their meeting location to in front of the hospital. He had walked up to find him slumped on a bench under a tree 

Quis everything okay

“My twin sister collapsed at work yesterday I forgot all about our meeting until my phone reminded me. Sorry” 

Hey, dent apologize. We could have met anytime. Is she okay?” 

She’s currently sedated to reduce stress on her heart and being forcefed by a tube through her nose Quill rubbed his face and looked up at the hospital. All thanks to her prick of a husband and our bitch of a mother” 

Do you need anything?Tenn didn’t know what else to say. Quill hadn’t told him much about his family, just that 

that he was only in contact with his twin 

“An alibi if her husband goes missing?” 

Absolutely, What did he do?” 

Told her she was letting herself go and getting fat, knowing exactly what would happen.Quill growled. She’s anorexic. Our older sister, Queenie, is model absolutely gorgeous. Tall, willowy.graceful. Our mother had her in beauty pageants and spent all her time doting on her Dad wanted a boy so she got pregnant, and Q and I were born. When it became clear Q wouldn’t get any taller and wouldn’t be a slender pageant princess like Queenie, Mom stopped interacting with her except to tell her to lose weight; she was too fat and an embarrassment. Which is hilarious because Q was about fifty pounds lighter than Mom at her largest 

We have that Twin Connection and have always been very close, but Dad and I were constantly going to my track meets and other activities. Queene had Mom, I had Dad, O had me, and I was always gone.” He shoved his hand through his light brown hair. She cut back on eating until she practically lived on lettuce and began working out fanatically Dad and I were at a national track meet in Texas, Mom and Queenie were doing some modeling shows in New York, and was with my grandparents. The school called and told us she had collapsed and was taken to the hospital in an ambulance Quill sniffed, and Tenn just sat quietly, letting him get it out

“She almost fucking died, and my parents and sister’s response was to get angry at her for ruining things and making them come back to deal with her dramatics.The fact that their fifteenyearold daughter was in a hospital bed, sixty pounds underweight, with every bone on prominent display and a feeding tube in her nose meant nothing to them. No one knew how skinny she was because she wore layers of baggy clothes.” 

My Grandparents didn’t want her to go back to our house because they didn’t think she would be looked after the way she needed to be, so they called my Aum, and she came and took Q home with her to New York, where she did inpatient care for a year then transitioned back to my Aunts house We kept in touch through email and online chats but didn’t see each other again until we went to University.Quill sighed. Sorry for dumping on you. I think I have some unresolved trauma that seeing her like this all over again has triggered” 

Quinn nodded, her voice cutting through his thoughts. Yeah, he suggested you when I asked him to speak and gave me your contact information. He also loaned me a team for a week when I told him what I wanted to do here.” 

Loaned you a team, huh? Ten chuckled. Must be nice.He wasn’t surprised Quill had given her his contact information. He had notsosubtly suggested they would hit it off beautifully that day in front of the hospital

its too bad you’re married Tenn, I have a feeling you two would really like each other.” 

Oh yeah, her and Quill are like thisJoel held up his hand with his index and middle finger crossed. Of course, that doesn’t extend to anyone else. Not even their older sister, parents, or his inlaws” 

Queenie, my parents, and the inlaws brought it on themselves. Quinn said lightly, making Joel frown. Everyone, please dig inShe reached out and pulled a piece of the loaf off and passed it to Tenn on her left, and it was quiet as everyone took their first bites

This incredible Quinn Tenn said after a minute. He almost wanted to shut up and just eat the food. He was a basic cook, Viki could follow a recipe and make food taste great, but she hated cooking. This was probably the best meal he’d had in a year. Td like to be included in the meals with the students if you don’t mund” 

Thank you Wed love to have you Quinn grinned Theres a lot of art talk though 

1think I can manage that Tenn chuckled 

So, how long have you worked at the dealership Viki?Quinn asked politely 


six months” 

How are you enjoying it?” 

La been great since I’ve gotten used to the workViki seemed to be having trouble speaking. How did you and Joel meet?! 

was there with the dealership, and I was taking pictures of Art Deco cars for a project for one of my series” 

thought she was interested in the cars Joel shrugged, clearly trying to end the conversation preemptively 

He chased me around the car show for two hours, trying to convince me to date him. He wasn’t my usual type, but he was persistent.Quinn 

“We met at a party in Uni Tenn explained. The thought I was on the hockey team, but that was my older brother. We look a lot alike 

Wat Your older brother is Del Aston? Joel stared at Ten Tormer Boston Bruin Del Aston?” 

Yeah, that’s himTean nodded. Delaware Aston 

Your parents named you after states? Quin grinned. Cute” 

Yeah, I have sisters named Virginia and Alaska tooTronsmiled back at her. My parents are very loud patriots. At least their names are sort of normal and i can claim to be named after a country Western singer. Poor Del, he got it the worst growing up. We all go by diminutives of our names: Del, Ala, Tenn and Ginny much to our parent’s dismay Quinn chuckled 

Hey I’ve heard much worse names come through the University in recent years. Then you have people like my parents. My Dad is Quinton, and Mom walls, then Queenie. Quill, and Quinn” 

It was Temns turn to laugh. Tm impressed there are so many names that aren’t in foreign languages 

That would have been the next way to go, something barely pronounceable.” She leaned over conspiratorially. My mom’s real name is Esme. She changed it after Quill and I were born because she felt left out. Dad named us all,” 

That’s amazing Tenn chuckled. He noticed Joel and Viki staring at them and decided to change the subject. 1 emailed several friends and colleagues this morning, and I have three people interested in doing the speaker series so far.He paused. Are you sure you only want this to go on for six weeks? Because I can probably get enough speakers for sixteen weeks or longer,” 

Really Quinn’s green eyes sparkled, and she leaned forward. Why don’t we make this one eight weeks for the Fall semester and then do another eight weeks in the Spring semester?” 

We could probably find enough to do the Winter and Summer semesters too.Tenn picked up his wine with a grin and took a sip

You think they could be that popular?” 

1 do we could even do part of the series at the Museum. A joint venture between

love it!Quinn enthused. Does anyone want seconds? Or should we move on to dessert and collen?” 

What’s for dessert?” Tenn smiled at her obvious joy 

Keeping with the Italian theme, we have zabaglione with strawberries, Quinn stood up to collect the plates and noticed Joel’s and Viki’s were still pretty full Oh, I’m sorry, not finished?” 

Tm not really feeling very goodVai said quietly 

p inside

Can I get you anything?Quinn somehow managed to pull an empathetic look from what Tenn could only believe was somewhere deep “Uh, no. Actually, I think I should go home.” She looked at Tenn. Sorry” 

Tenn shrugged. “No need to apologize. If you’re not feeling good, I’ll take you home.Viki nodded and stood up. Tenn looked at Quinn. Why don’t we get together tomorrow and discuss the broader details

Sure! Quinn nodded enthusiastically text you tomorrowShe followed them to the door. Sorry you aren’t feeling good Viki, but it was nice to et you” 

You tooViki nodded and went out to the car 

Nice to meet you Joel Tenn held out his hand

You too Jorl shook his hand limply 

SeomorrowTenn smiled at Quinn and was surprised when she hugged him but hugged her back, fighting the urge to tuck his face in her neck and breath in her orange blossom scent

I’m looking forward to

Let Live

Let Live

Status: Ongoing


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