Let Live 4

Let Live 4

Book 1: Chapter

I woke 

woke to the sun gleaming through the sheer curtains. It was looking like it was going to be a beautiful day, a day where I had many things to do. I needed to start my job hunt, go by the clinic to ask Carter about Rosa, and I really needed to start going back to the gym. This baby weight was not going to just fall off Unlike my sister, I was actually going to have to work at it

I stretched my body trying to get the energy to get up and moving The comfort of the bed was not helping with my motivation level. I would prefer to just relax here all day, but I had things to do and nobody was going to do them for me. Reluctantly. I pushed the covers back and climbed out of bed 

I sleepily strolled to the bathroom and washed my face with a warm washcloth. The bathroom looked as if it were plucked out of the latest issue of Good Housekeeping. Everything was meticulously matched, the artwork was impeccable and it seemned that there were flowers and candles everywhere you looked Angelique always had a flare for home decorating it is hard for me to believe that she did not use that talent in her career choice, but instead became an accountant. She once explained to me that only the rich could afford a home decorator, while everybody had money and could use an 


I walked back into the bedroom to get dressed. I settled on black yoga pants and a hot pink sport tank top I figured that if I dressed in my 

y workout clothes now, the chances of me making it to the gym increased greatly. If I had to make a trip back here to change, I would never make it back out of the house. The gym was not my favorite activity, but a dreaded necessity. Angelique told me when I joined her gym that the more I go, the easier that it will become Hal Two years later and I still hate it 

Ang is one of those people that most of us call health nuts. She goes to the gym five days a week no matter how busy she becomes. She is aware of everything she puts in her body and red meat, which I love, is not one of those things. I often wish I had her discipline, but then again, life is too short, why deny yourself the things you love? This philosophy might explain the reason why I am in the shape that I am in Angelique and I are at opposite ends of the spectrum. My guess is that the night combination is somewhere in the middle 

Just as I finished throwing my hair up in a ponytail, I heard the blender start to make that god awful sound that all blenders make: Ang must be up making some gross concoction she called breakfast I wondered if I could find some Poptarts in that kitchen of hers. My chances were slim and I knew 

Nevertheless, I headed downstairs to see if I could find something palatable 

Good morning. SunshineAngelique said in a jovial voice as I entered the kitchen

Jeez Ang, do you always have to be so cheerful in the morning?” 

It is just my nature, Sunshine. Would you like a smoothie for breakfast

I looked in the blender and it actually did not look repulsive. I would dare to even go so far as to say it looked tasty. I looked on the granite countertop to see the ingredients spread out. It looked like it consisted of some frozen mixed berries, some whey protein powder, orange juice and some chia seeds. I thought it quite possible that I would be able to stomach that 

Sure, I am trying new things, like living with you for instance, I giggled. I will give it a try.I picked up the crystal glass that was filled with a purple slushy liquid, raised it to my nose and gave it a sniff. It smelled pleasant enough. I took the teeniest sip one could take and to my surprise, it was actually pretty good think I could do this every day for breakfast” 

Good, it’s good for you.

The protein is great to have before you go to the gym. We are going to the gym, are we not?” 

wouldn’t miss it,said sarcastically as I stuck my tongue out at her in defiance. Yes, I am dressed for it, I just have to run by the clinic first to talk to Carter

You are ready to talk to Carter? She had a puzzled look on her face

“Well no, not about him and I need to talk to him about something that I saw in his planner. I was looking to make sure we didn’t have any prior engagements that I needed to be part of and I saw a woman’s name written down on Friday I need to make sure that it was something that I wasn’t needed for 

Tm sure he would want you there too Three is always better than two she snickered insinuating it was anything but a professional appointment, “but I am sure he can do it with or without you there

Ang Carter is a lot of things, but a cheater, he is not.” 

Do not fool yourself All men are capable of cheating it is in their blood” 

Angelique would know better than anyone After five years of marriage, she came home early from work not feeling well, only to find her husband. Sean, with his assistant in bed Even though they were fully undressed and in a position that could not be derved, he tried using the it’s not what it looks The excuse Angelique is the strongest woman know She calmly picked up all of their clothes and tossed them out of her second story bedroom window and told them to get out of her house 

Surprisingly, they didn’t argue They just wrapped up in the sheets and left I was shocked that she let them abscond with her expensive cheets, but the explained that as much as she wanted to, she could not make them walk out of the house naked Besides, she would get more than enough money out of Sean to replace her sheets

Book Chapter 

Sean made several attempts to reconcile. He sent flowers to her work. He called and begged for her forgiveness. He fired his assistant. Anything he 

of to make Angelique take him back, he tried, to no avail

I never understood why he would cheat on her. She is an amazing woman. She is smart; she runs her own company. She is the most giving person! know. She would stop what she is doing to help anybody in need and she is stunning to look at. She has this long coal black hair that makes her look exotic even though she is from the same small town that I am from She has green eyes that seem to pierce right through you. She is wonderful and did not deserve what Sean did to her 

sked her why she would not take him back and she said simply Because of the old phrase you can forgive, but not forget. I refuse to live my life the memory of my husband in my bed giving it to his assistant. No amount of therapy will erase that memory.” 

She had a good point. I am not sure I could forgive or forget. It has been three years and she still cannot trust a man. She has gone on casual dates, but nothing serious. My hope is that she will learn to trust again, but it is going to take one special man

I’m sure it is completely innocent, Ang. It is probably some colleague of his, but I need to check. So, do you want to ride with me and go to the gym after?” 


We rinsed the remainder of our unconventional breakfast out of our glasses and put them in the dishwasher. Angelique handed me a bottle of water out of the fridge to take to the gym with us and then we grabbed our coats and purses and headed out

It was just a short drive to the clinic. I was not looking forward to seeing Carter. I would make it short and sweet and get the hell out. As we pulled into the parking lot, the antiabortion protesters were standing in the grass like usual, but keeping their proper distance as to not get arrested. They had been a constant presence since we opened our doors to business

I jumped out of the car and told Angelique that I would be right back. I walked up to the brick building that had been my workplace for four years, ignoring the chants being yelled in my direction. As many times as I had made the same walk, this time it seemed foreign to me. It was not a walk that i wanted to make I never wanted to revisit this place again. I needed to get a few things out of my office though and then I will never have to return

Let Live

Let Live

Status: Ongoing


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