Let Live 8

Let Live 8

Book 1: Chapter

ants would like tam to ge 

giggled, How did things go

this is the night te 

him I kind of didnt want to leave him to 

am not sure if that is 

se I wanted to be near herri 

Tirs kami I can see it in your eyes

them that I have not seen in a long time?” 

vas I was infatuated with Pyle Werner I got butterflies in my belly when I was near him. I could not wait to look at my 

ave dreamt of him I am so screwed 

Thank you for taking me out 

Ti picked up my shoes and cost and 

aked toward the 

for both of us she chuckled will see you in the morning 

things down. I immediately went to the laptop thinking it was in vain. Surely, he did not run home and get on Face 

ad two messages waiting for me, one from Carter and one from Kyle Lopened Carter’s first thinki 

yand read Kyle’s last and go to bed on a good note 

I immediately deleted this one 

peat time. You looked like a dark haired goddess: You were absolutely breathtaking. I know it may not be the best timing, but when id love to take you out and show you my kind of time I hope to talk to you soon. Kyle 

an? Doesn’t matter, I did not know when, but I wanted to go. I sent him a reply

y pleasant surprise running into you I had a good time too. I wor 

I would love to go out with you at some point, but I need a little tim 

and closed the laptop. I was ready to take a bath and go to bed. I walked to the bathroom, put my hair up in a bun and climbed into the ad filed with water so hot it had steam rising from it know it is not good for your skin to take such a hot bath, but it is good for the sout 

(the vanity and grabbed the bottle of lotion that Angelique kept there. I rubbed some into my skin 

the extremely hot water it felt great. I slipped on my side pajamas and climbed into the bed that was beckoning Sleep 

Lara shortly after noon it was much needed Wand opened my eyes, it hurt. Too much Tequila was never good. I crawled out of bed and got Saturday, I felt like a trip to the gym might do me some good Maybe I could sweat out the remainder of clubvod stream. I was feeling guilty for my windulgence last right. The thought of last night made the comers It is funny to me how the good outamghed the bad When i think of last right, I think of Kyle and not of Carter and he blonde 

sady making lunch, a grilled chicken salad with olive of and red wine vinaigrette. It looked delicious use the had prepared one for me as wed. We took a seat at han dining room table and began to eal 

Trunks Angular sternng How are you feeling this morning?” 

of het beenjat by a Mack trun 

Book 1 Chapter 

Oh god no, I will stick with ice water.The thought of alcohol made my stomach churn. This was one of those days where I made the common pledge that I will never drink again knowing full well that it wouldn’t last. You want to go to the gym after lunch

Yes, ma’am.Of course she did. Her dedication sickened me. We finished our salads and cleared the table. I placed my dishes in the sink 

Just leave them there, I will take care of them when we get back,Angelique said. We both grabbed a bottle of water and our gym bags and made 

our way to the gym

At least I had something to look forward to when I went to the gym now. There was always the possibility that I would run into Kyle. That would make the trip much more bearable

I climbed onto the elliptical and plugged my headphones into the jack and found a channel on the television that had something interesting on Watching a television show made the workout go faster. I moved my legs at a fairly brisk pace all the while scanning the room looking for the one thing that could put a smile on my face, or at least give me an excuse to climb off this unpleasant machine. I didn’t see him anywhere. Blah, Thirty minutes passed and I was done. I wiped off the machine, stepped down and took a huge chug of water

Want to go sit in the sauna for a few minutes?I heard Angelique ask 

Yeah, actually that sounds great.We made our way to the very back of the gym where the locker rooms and the sauna room were located. We headed to the locker room first and stripped off our sweaty clothes and wrapped up in the large white cotton towels that they had folded neatly right inside the door. We threw our belongings in a locker and went straight to the sauna

As we opened the door, it was nearly empty. That was great because I never liked being in there with a bunch of people. When it was crowded, we would just sit in silence. I did not like other people overhearing my conversations with Angelique. She has no filter and you never know what she will talk 


Fortunately, there was only one guy sitting in the corner with his head down and a towel over it. You couldn’t see much of him, but he had a towel 

wrapped around his waist sitting with his legs slightly apart like men do. His chest was bare and you could see the beads of sweat clinging to his masculine chest. Angelique looked at me and raised her eyebrows and smiled with approval. We sat on the bench facing him and let the steam begin to 

relax us

So you really had a good time with Beefcake last night?Angelique asked me quietly with a smirk on her face

Yes I did. I really like him. There is just something about him. I mean besides the fact that he is sexy as hell and that I have known him since I was sixteen, so it is easy to talk to himWhen I said this, I saw the strange man in the corner stir, yet he still kept his head down

1 would agree that he is quite handsome. When do you think you will go out with him?” 

1 don’t know. If I did not have so many complications, I would say right away, but if I did it now, what would people say? I am still married.” 

Yes, you are, but you just caught that bastard in bed with another woman” 

I saw the gentleman raise his head. A pair of familiar green eyes looked at me. With a look of amusement on his face he said, wouldn’t worry about what other people would say. What I would do, is make sure I knew who was sitting in a sauna with me before I discussed such things.” 

My cheeks flushed even more red than they already were from the heat. Hi, Kyle,” I said with complete embarrassment. Shouldn’t you be at work?” 

Yeah, I probably should, but then I would have missed out on hearing Angelique call me Beefcake and that would have been tragic,he teased. I really wanted to crawl under something, but the small wooden slats that made up the benches would not provide much coverage. I was going to kill Angelique for picking this topic of conversation. She was just sitting there with a huge grin on her face leaving me to fend for myself

Well ladies, I was just getting ready to leave. It got much hotter in here than usual.He stood up to show the full effect of all his time spent here at the gym. His olive skin rippled in all the right places. I wanted to reach out and feel the six pack abs that were staring me in the face. He turned from me to head for the door and I saw a large black tribal cross tattoo in the center of his upper back. As he opened the door he turned to say Sexy as hell huh?He smiled and walked out without waiting for a reply from me

Once the door was closed, Angelique just looked at me and bust out laughing I could not help but see the humor in it and joined her. We sat for a few more minutes giving Kyle plenty of time to get dressed and leave the gym. I did not want to have to face him again just yet. When I felt the coast was clear, we walked to the locker room to shower and get dressed


Once in the car, I asked, Ang, think we could go by my house so that I can pick some things up? I don’t think I will be returning there anytime soo 

Sure. Do you think Carter will be home?” 

No, he should be at the clinic


We drove to my house and pulled into the circle driveway. No cars were there, so I hoped that I would have plenty of time to grab what I needed. I was not ready to face Carter While I should thank him for making my decision easier, I cannot help but feel betrayed 

I walked to my room and grabbed a couple sulicases out of the closet and placed them on the bed. I began packing as many clothes as I could fit into both. They were busting at the seams by time I was done. I would definitely have to come back with boxes to pack the rest of my things, but at least 

Book 1: Chapter

now I had suitable clothes for job interviews. I could not help but feel sadness as 1 zipped both suitcases closed. I grabbed one handle in each hand and made my way to Angelique’s car. I squeezed one into her small trunk the other would have to fit in the back seat. As I was closing the trunk, I heard a car pull up behind us Great 

Let Live

Let Live

Status: Ongoing


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