The moment he stepped through the door, he launched into an interrogation. “Mia, you’re pretty clever, aren’t you? You knew Xena was allergic to peanuts, so you ground them into powder and sprinkled them in her soup. Do you have any idea that if I hadn’t rushed her to the hospital in time, she could’ve died tonight?
“Mrs. Zimmer already confessed that you ordered her to do it. So, what do you have to say for yourself? I’m giving you one chance. Why did you do it?”
Mia lifted her head and glanced at Xena.
Xena’s pale face looked even more fragile as she lay on the bed, weak and pitiful. “Mia, I don’t believe you’d try to hurt me. You must have had your reasons, didn’t you?”
Mia let out a quiet laugh. Looking Xena straight in the eyes, she spoke calmly.
“Thank you for trusting me. I didn’t hurt you, and I have no idea why Mrs. Zimmer would accuse me. Why don’t we call the police? Let them investigate thoroughly. My words might not hold weight, but the findings of the police surely will.”