“Mia, your paintings are amazing. They’re going to sell like crazy,” Tom chimed in, his tone brimming with confidence. “I’m sure you’re going to be a brilliant artist. You’ve got this!”
With the support of Zoe and Tom, Mia’s first art exhibition launched with remarkable fanfare.
At first, Mia was consumed with worry that no one would show up. After all, she was an unknown art graduate who had spent years as a full–time housewife. She had never hosted an exhibition or sold a single painting, and she had no reputation, whether at home or abroad..
Could someone like her really pull off a successful exhibition?
During the preparation days, Mia was riddled with anxiety, She struggled with insomnia every
night, and her hair began falling out in clumps from the stress,
But Mia had underestimated the reach and Influence of Zoe and Tom in Merika.
On opening day, the exhibition was a smashing sccess, Socialites and elites from across Merika gathered, giving the event an air of elegance and prestige. The paintings, brimming with atmosphere and depth, received glowing praise from attendees. By the end of the day, several pleces had already sold for remarkable prices.
“Go introduce yourself,” Zoe whispered, gently dging Mia toward a distinguished young man in a perfectly tailored black suit. His demeanor radiated sophistication and wealth. “That’s Mr. Hawthorne,” Zoe sald with a sille. He’s a major player in the jewelry industry and just bought five of your paintings at a premium.”
Raising five fingers, she leaned in and added, “Five hundred thousand dollars each.”
Half a million dollars per painting–totaling nearly 2.5 million dollars!
Mia was stunned, utterly floored. She never could have imagined her work commanding such extraordinary prices.