- 13.
A minute later, Richard called.
“Maggie, I heard you took a file from my
office. What did you take?”
I said, “It was a formula, but I didn’t take it.
Lily took it. She’s gone now. Have security
stop her.”
“What? A formula? Stop her! We can’t let that
formula get out.”
Richard hung up.
I was about to leave when I thought of
Lily knew I would call the cops and security
would stop her.
The formula was in her purse. She wouldn’t
be able to leave with it.
She had probably taken pictures and sent
them to Jeff Jiang.
She would put the formula in my desk to
frame me.
I went to the security office and found the
footage of Lily entering my office.
Lily was probably going to come back and
delete the footage, so I recorded it on my
I hid in the stairwell.
A few minutes later, Lily came back to delete
the footage.
After she was done, she called Jeff Jiang.
“Jeff, did you get the files I sent you?
Remember your promise to marry me.”
That was their deal.
I recorded her on my phone.
Richard and Mark arrived at the company.
Security stopped Lily and searched her, but they didn’t find the formula.
Lily said, “Search Maggie. She probably
wouldn’t be dumb enough to keep it on her,
so check her desk.”
Mark volunteered. “I’ll do it.”
Mark found the formula in my desk and threw
it at my face. “Maggie, you’re a traitor. Mom
and Dad have been so good to you.”
I closed my eyes, and the file fell to the
Richard watched Mark bully me, but he didn’t
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He didn’t know who to believe. He only
believed the evidence.
Lily said, “That’s why she wanted cash
instead of stock. She wanted to destroy
Richard Enterprises.”
Mark said, “Dad, you gave her a lot of money. It’s enough for her to live on forever. Freeze
her accounts.”
I said to Richard, “Call the police. They’ll find
out the truth.”
“There should be fingerprints in your office.
Have the police collect them.”
Lily looked nervous. She hadn’t planned on me catching her, so she didn’t wear gloves.
Richard hesitated. He asked me, “Did you do
I heard sirens. I smirked. “I already called the
police. Let them tell you the truth.”
Lily clenched her fists