Chapter 23 laid Hands On Her
side her car for the hundredth time since they left the college.
“I’m pretty sole the guard took take of him,” Sarah sighed and can be fingers through her hair as she rested her elbow against the wind beside her.
änunda ised toward her. “How are you not one uput right now?
“Nothing happened.” Swah said, beeping her para forward.
Amanda cocted “Nothing happened? Your clothes aur mined and your knees and elbows aus bruised and bloody How can you say nothing happened?”
redditave been wanne. Can we just drop this, please? I don’t want to talk about it any longer.” She sighed. “It’s not like anything will come of it anyway. As long as he stays away from
Amanda huffed and folded her armours her chest belope she pulled out her me and started festing Sarahy the scene. When the phoon berped with a reipase, she seamleskat Kath
Ishe was trying to know every detail of what happened after Sarah lets
“Presidem Colton was these Harrington et Salim edge because the didn’t want to talk about William. When Sarah nodded, Amanda snapped. “And I thought you were done with
as he was going to be there He was probably meeting the dean for something or other.”
Amanda sighed. “I am for not being there to you. He was there, though. If I had been a better friend, I would have considered what was going on between the two of you. Come on. Sarah.” she uttered softly. “Willum and you won’t over can see it on your lace every time you hear his name, I am sorry Thave been so weird about the situation. I guess I am a little pralines that you have someone ble hi
भ was shocked by that, “Someone like him? Are you seeing him in a positive light right now? And not just as a fantasy man every want?he choked on a laugh. “William Colon? Amanda chackled. “He doesn’t seen too bad. He really like you, Sarah.”
Sacah ter the moment she heard that “You’re hiding, right? She didn’t care that the her was listening to their conversation. First you acted like he was the best thing that happened and then you acted like he was the devil. You can’t go back and forth like this. Why are you suddenly switching sides?” Amanda shrugged. “What kind of guy stays back after a one–night stand and then buys her beakfast and flowers? ‘Cause I can guarantee you won’t see any other man who goes dubbing -dong that ever. President Cotton dipped everything to pick you up and bring you loan interview. And then he gave you career advice for nothing in return. He did it for you, Sarah ” Her
” could find someone else. Homeone i
Amanda nodded. “You could, and I am sure he would be a great gay, but not for you.
want for you is to be with someone who makes yu happy
ri didn’t mean in jälke that! You would never want this imaginary pay the you do President Colton actually, Sarah gesned. 1am trying really hard not to like William.” She looked at Amanda. “But you’re not making that easy right now.”
“ber’s per you bore and in bed. Nothinking about anything else, okay?”
dn’t get wink of sleep when she fallimed Sheived a call around 12:00 at night from Luca, and looked at the screen in confusion, “Hello?”
. I’m glad you are still awake I have to ask you for a favor, Luca said with a sense of urgency.
ere was a moment of essence Luca spoke The Smith called up the police an hout agn. They reported that M. Colon went down to where Justin lived and damaged the guy’s
rah’s–eyes widened. “Are you serious?
illiam didn’t look or the volatile kind when it came to others. What had compelled him to take auch drastic action? “i pra call tion the station stating that Mr. Colton kelud enraged but he wasn’t drunk of anything, so
#pes, the Smiths are pressing charges. The Smith boy said something about a light between them and that he wasn’t barking down until he got an apology”
she jumped out of bed. “He did nothing of the son
that. The lawyers are already at the station and asked me to being you. There was talk that the fight had something to do with a university student. In it was you so 1. traded out. Can you tell me what happened?
hadhappened that evening? How could she explain that justin thought it was okay to proposition het the way he did
but had happened. “I pil away from him ”
Coderstand. Mr. Cotton must have wasted revenge Heugat detouch the Smith boy, so my bet is that he took it out on his cars instead.” I’m sorry Primary for dragging William isto iki mesa,” she mundded the bit lies lip and waited for Lacato respond
“Gri bat jd bed,” be growled “Put on your shoes and bring all the clothing you had on today. Did you shown when you put kongam
and Lara manter snerting under his breatha and then ask, “Whole was the ably so what happened? Do yo
then asked in a panicked tour
Do you know the names of the people who can testify to what they
nly Me İwardrumling on his end and knew he was getting dwady to head out himself. “Come on, Get ready.” “56,” she whimprint and sleek het head even though he coulder) one liri. “Jau furget li it’s over, Nothing happened) ↑
“Liza pleas,” the lepped lam “ben’t ake the
“did. Elin Lawyers can take care of its my help Me, William Laying
this bigger than is already is I wasn’t going to say anything in the
1 place, but I just thought you should know why William might hava done