The Billionaire’s Secret Girlfriend Chapter 29

The Billionaire’s Secret Girlfriend Chapter 29

Chapter 29: Take Her Aside 

pal. I will,she replied honestly. I’ll miss you” 

Sawab pulped andnoklidhen heal 

stelope Sarah pulled away and left hiscat. She dul it quickly no that she was met tempted in story and tetate to go inside and complète her work, William salted until she wins on the other side of the gate belno he put his car in her again. She smiled at hindert her shoulder and bhubedwhen he winked and drove all down the cowl. She entered the unteersity building with a skip in het step audit felt all the Chuted up the status insteatot dimbing them 

She wanted to twill to the clansapons and flutter her lashes so that everyone adher what was the matter with her antall she would say was

I’m in a pelationship wich Viliam Colton ” 


the room at her from fire spit is the commmm room. She Hinked silently with her mowith 

Karabeli kad andclosed the der Lebinthes

Tell me you’re joking,she replied with total pestousness

In respante, Sarah just sized there and standa hei without uttering a single wind

Oh, my golAmanda wispered andowed her manth with her hand. You’re not joiden..” 

t walked oven to where hen tilend was seated. Don’t be a spoilspatiight no,she slighet

laptop to get some work done. She was 

A man of emotionis played cessa’s Lace as the heated in choose a sile. She remained allenther seat until Sarah sighed and pulled out her laptopti 

about five minutes into her work when she bes 

No, no, I am just surprised,Amanda xaid slowly. Telling what happened WantShe paused with a neuvums look in her eyes. You pays didn’t right?” 

Sarah bit het bottom lip and giggled because, but some trajon, she couldn’t stop doing that. Have ses

Saah!Amanda hissed.. 

–Shh?Saab plated at he, sh, Anunda Do you want you to know about my phate lifeTM 

Arunda’s manch closed but her eyes were land with what she wantedio say

Sarah nodded. Yes, we did. And we will again. That’s hoor at started est, cemember?she said tumly The already decided.” 

Amanda sighed. Andyou’reme this time around?

Yeah. But your change of positions is ghring me whiplash When I was done with him, you were on his the. Now that i like him, you’re on the defence what the bell?” 

I don’t know, okay?Amanda groaned. I’m just scared you’ll be her

Lamopen to that Lam going to take a chance this time. I decided that I will be with him despite my fears

Amanda grimaced. It’s not that I am not happy for you tam jest surprised” 

I’m tired of fighting how I feel about him. He himalal. I know he likes me, to just like I know I want him to be the one Tam 

Soccer 1 pass I thought you would have wanted it to be morespecial.” 

in with even if in secrecy

Sarah neized around and closed her eyes. Ith special, Amanda. I will be okay a long as I am with him

Amanda nodded. I promise to be more openminded, then, I will be rooting for you So, what happened between you run? You never cold mo 

Sarah told her friend everything When she got to the nasty parts, she paraphrased, but Amanda demanded to know the pory details, Sarah had no idea why she tried to centor herself. Amanda sighed and shook her head with a small laugh atter Sarah told her how they had told each other they would miseacht 

You’re doomed. It’s impossible for the two of you to keep your retaionship asetet. Have you seen how you to look at each other?” she shook her head. You tell right into Perdent 

Amanda, we’re not that compics” 

#faite, you aren’t.Her voor was so loud that Sarah looked around to see if anyone had heard. She glared at her friend and then they fell into silence

Finally, Amanda reached out and led Sarah’s hair behind her ear. As long as you are careful, I don’t mind. But if he does something to hurt you, I’m hiring a hitman to kick his ass. I don’t care if he is rich and powerful.” 

She held out her pinky and Sarah linked it with her

You’re the best, you know that?

Say something new

anal expected a lot of thing to happen when she entered class that stay. So marry things, in fact, that she was not surprised when they happened in rapid succession. Sarah was surprised

Professor Jacobs was waning for her outside the classroom when she tated to get in. Sarah’s heart stopped in her chest as she staredup at him like a deer caught in headlights. She felt like at any sermond, he was going trip her away from the clamand shake bet while yelling that he knew he shouldn’three appolated her as the teaching assistant 

the started to breathe kearily aidle pinured in command asked if she was slurý 

Saralowasthe first tosprak op. Podenson, why did yo 

Professor jaoks sighed. I just wanted to let you know that you will 

adical time in class today. Maties what happened to you, the Smiths have made heavy donations to the school Gape mumy office after dass and I will transfer the tutoring bees you are entitledtolor your line

Thank you, profesini Me deased her at the had this would happen it was the nest part that wed her. I will stillask for a recommendation 

i anisommendation letter so that I can apply to 

Professie jacobi nodded and wanted to speak to you about: Í da 

what they you have to a. Cotton, but he called in this mining and asked me to give you

While I have senter unnaywany opinions about what you have been up to, Lam not one to judge. So, Dhope you know what you purcholog, Miss Minch. “ 

al to make one thing clear. I don’t know what you think lekappening wiilenny, boat 11 dinte as colorful an yan İntigation makes it out to be President Callan is a home alde businessman became as nje. A man in his posidon can be to help sumir home. It doesnt’s need to be that ourplex 

Professor Jacobs finsihin glasses with a small, saarastic mode: I wouldhopethat is the case, Miss Minch, When you pet benny age, you start seeing the dark truth.” 

Saabddy’t want in hear more of his opinions. Thank you for the opportunity, Professor Jacobs, I will take my leave then. She turned and left without looking back. With William’s rati oing thigh, she want to get that nation letter

Nantofind a suitable company to work at in the meantime

The Billionaire’s Secret Girlfriend

The Billionaire’s Secret Girlfriend

Status: Ongoing Native Language: English
The Billionaire's Secret Girlfriend


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