See You Again
Sarah walked into the common room and found Amanda seated, a packet of chips on her lap as she sneaked a piece and tried her hardest not so make a sound. She looked up when Sarah approached and brushed the crumbs on her hand before jumping up
“You dela’t accend the elvis ?” she asked.
Sarah felt her entire body relax. “Something like that. Mind handing me achip?”
Amanda offered the packet before she recalled something “Oh, one more thing President Cohon is outside asking for you. I don’t know why he was sitting out there, but he looked
Sawah hadiah Amands to repeat two more time before the finally understood what the other was saving Why Willan still outside the gate when it was time to head to work? Sarah slumped into her seat and for another dive minutes, a plethora of thoughts plagued her mind. Did he reger what happened the night before or that morning? Was he waiting so that
dback his werd and tell the world that they were together? Either way, Sarah was not ready to deal with William alter being laidoff
The sacked in a deep breath, belling herself that she could handle it on her ow
seconllim that Willmar was nowhere in tigh
swalked out of the university gate and looked armand. Her eyes darted right and then to the left. She had
she took another step outside to me if the could spot his car amymbere but still, she saw nothing. With a frown etched asher face, she headed back to the common room where the grabbed her phone and checked for messages
“Ace you sure you saw William outside?” Sarah confirmed.
“Why? He wasn’t there? Amanda responded with another question.
Sarah sghed and quickly tested Wiliam
[Where did you pl
she waited patiently for a few mines before realizing he wouldn’t reply. She turned to Amands and tilted her head in question.
“Why are you sitting around? Don’t you have anything to do?” she asked
“I came so accompany you today. Thought it would be a hard day for you to go about alone.” Talk about being a good friend! “You know what will make you feel better? Doing something fun moday.” Amanda continued, placing her hand on Sarah’s shoulder.
“Like what?” Sarah muntered uninterested as she checked all the contents of her bag and prepared to bead back to her apartment.
“Like a picnic.” Amanda shot up and dragged Sarah along with her. Throughout this, Sarah’s eyes darted to her phone and without much thought, she checked to see if William had : responded. He hadn‘
He kunestyren crept Amanda’s assertion.
**What is it???” she asked kindly.
Sarah shrugged. “Nothing, Just that William was here earlier, but when I went out, im wasn’t texted him and he hasn’t even seen it yet. I don’t—” Sarah paused and pushed her phone trte her pocket. “I don’t know what in going on in his head right now. I think he gets what happened last night. Why he would he stay back for so long?”
*Trust me, Sarah, he far from regrets what happened”
Sarah grimaced in thought. “Then why was he here earlier? Why won’t he text me back?”
(“Give him time. You’re asking a billionaire with a lot of work to text you back within seconds like a teenage boy who has no other work. It doesn’t work the same way. Now, come on. We need
to pack up 1 am looking forward to our picnic.” Amanda winked
Sarah baked a smile that seemed to convince her friend. No sooner had Sarah reached her apartment than the rushed to the bathu com to wash away the feeling of being blown off: She knew It would happen. It always happened when women started to fall for guys like William. It’s like they had a sixth sense about it and ran away,
had expectedu icon some guys. I was what they did. She just never thought Willam would end up being that person, 100
The picnic with Amanda was peaceful. They lay outside by side on a blanket with their faces toward the day. The bone felt great against Sarah’s skin and the sun out just enough to
“Are you still thinking about Colt? Amanda aked surely.
By the tone of heroe, Sarab knew the question was rhetorical, sest kept her mouth shut and occupied it with a piece of our patch candy, Sarah contemplated hat next move with William. She wouldn’t let this slight go. He couldn’t make her admit to her feelings andthen ignore her. Not William!
Just as she was serving internally about the unfairness of it all, Amanda mulged her..
The Dinched and sat upright. “Wuf”
the watched andmands rolled her eyes is annoyance and pointed toward where her phone se bazing Sarah would have liked to believe, she didn’t leap at the cell phone like a cat after a
the sized the phone and immediately answered it without checking to was calling.
Thep,” william’s soft the hearty all “What are you doin
dathing with Manda ”
a casual opener threw bola bi
« detrated right “So, when am I going to see you again?”
tal blushed andered to hide the pody pontos Amanda, who was staring at ber an okl expirsalon un her lace. The confused glint in her eyes seminded Sarah that she was supposed
cannuated with William be lowering her for hins. And she had forgotten all about it at the mere soundof his vokel
Marge did you getlin nousing? Aasada said you we in front of the university walling but then you disappeared and igomedme all morning. Do you have any idea how that made the leef?” Sarah tuned away from Amanda’s prying eyes. “I thought you had a change of heart and were blowing me off,” the hissedat film qizily.
mah, I don’t knon pou took off willest telling me I
- me. I rided to contact you.”
“Alest this morning,” bepaudarat tatah could imagine how he iubled his ha ann an be formulated what to say ora. breathe. If you want, bonddeck in with you every live minutes, though ”
A slight intake of barathon her side made him prematter his atulipdə.
amempandi had to leave. I just now got the tube do
Chapter 30 See You Again
“Hay, Lady’t mean it like that. I just had a bad day and needed to hear your voice. I was just thinking how nice it would be to see you and hear you all day long.” He grumbled to himself.
“Why were you waiting for me?” she asked again
* was just worried that you would storm out of the building. I wanted to take you home in that case.” He sighed. “Tell me where you are. I will pick you up in thirty minutes, okay?” he said gly
dimstart up his car