- 7.
“No, Sarah, it’s you that I like.”
“I thought Brenda was cool, but you’re the one that I really like.”
Mark pulled out a ring and handed it to me.
It was our wedding ring.
He threw it away, but picked it up again.
Mark grabbed my hand and put the ring on my finger.
He squeezed it.
“Our love has been covered up.”
“When the fog clears, I can see you.”
He wanted to win me back.
But he stopped smiling.
The ring was too big, and it wasn’t right.
I wasn’t shocked.
Brenda must have changed the size.
I smirked.
I SHIII neu.
Mark panicked.
“I can fix the ring. It’ll be like it was before.”
He started talking to himself.
I ignored him.
Mark started crying.
“I’ll deal with her.”
He pulled out his phone to contact Brenda,
and I took the ring and left.
Mark screamed my name.
I walked to my car.
In that second I saw my own sadness in him.
I have been chasing him.
He’ll be happy soon.
I thought that this was the end.
I didn’t realize that Mark didn’t want me to